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Metal curtain tracks

Our stylish metal curtain tracks are available in numerous colours to complement and coordinate with interior furnishings and fixtures. Gone are the days where the curtain track was hidden under a curtain pelmet. These curtain tracks are a feature in their own right.

Go bold with a black curtain track or elegant with Oyster finish. Metal curtain tracks can provide the perfect curtain hardware with numerous benefits including limitless track length,
accommodating bends and bay windows, suitable for heavy weight curtains, plus the option to be wall or ceiling fixed.

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Fixing Type
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Pack / Parts
Track type
Max. Length
Fixing Type
Product Range
Pack / Parts
Track type
Max. Length
Cameron Fuller Round38 wall fix curtain track with ball finialsCameron Fuller Round38 wall fix curtain track with ball finials
Cameron Fuller Round38 wall fix curtain track with Cap finialsCameron Fuller Round38 wall fix curtain track with Cap finials
cameron fuller system30 bay window curtain track with ball finialssquare30 bendable track
cameron fuller system30 bay window curtain track with cap finialssystem30 bendable track
cameron fuller system30 bay window curtain track with cap finialssystem30 bendable track
Cameron Fuller Square30 BENDABLE track length only
cameron fuller square30 curtain track with ball finialssystem30 straight track
cameron fuller system30 straight curtain track with cap finialssystem30 ceiling fix straight track
cameron fuller system30 straight curtain track with cap finialssystem30 straight track
Cameron Fuller Square30 STRAIGHT track length only
Cameron Fuller Square30 Track Joiner and Cover (for Bendable Tracks)Cameron Fuller Square30 Track Joiner and Cover (for Bendable Tracks)
Cameron Fuller Square30 Track Joiner and Cover (for Straight Tracks)Cameron Fuller Square30 Track Joiner and Cover (for Straight Tracks)
Square30 STRAIGHT Double Curtain Track with Ball/Cap finials - Wall FixSquare30 STRAIGHT Double Curtain Track with Ball/Cap finials - Wall Fix
Square30 STRAIGHT Double Curtain Track with Cap/Cap finials - Wall FixSquare30 STRAIGHT Double Curtain Track with Cap/Cap finials - Wall Fix